Thursday, 1 December 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
This is so profound!!! I think it also applies to the 16 days of activism campaign...
Passion into Action
![]() |
Bertolt Deams |
by Bertolt Daems
When you dream of peace
And your heart tells you not to stop dreaming; live your passion.
When you dream of peace
And life is offering you the chances to contribute, go for it.
When you dream of peace
And by every step you take, you can already see the next one, and the next one and the next one; keep on walking.
When you dream of peace and you find yourself surrounded by friends with the same dream; collaborate.
When you dream of peace
And a global organization is there for you to help make that dream come true,
hold on to it
Know it
Stimulate it
Nurture it
Guide it
Love it
And put your passion into action
We give to you.
A regular member. Like you and me. Dreaming your dream. Dreaming my dream and dreaming his.
With only one purpose; to make the dream come true.
And to put our passion into action.
JCI The Netherlands presents with great proud.
Your JCI President 2012,
Bertolt Daems
And your heart tells you not to stop dreaming; live your passion.
When you dream of peace
And life is offering you the chances to contribute, go for it.
When you dream of peace
And by every step you take, you can already see the next one, and the next one and the next one; keep on walking.
When you dream of peace and you find yourself surrounded by friends with the same dream; collaborate.
When you dream of peace
And a global organization is there for you to help make that dream come true,
hold on to it
Know it
Stimulate it
Nurture it
Guide it
Love it
And put your passion into action
We give to you.
A regular member. Like you and me. Dreaming your dream. Dreaming my dream and dreaming his.
With only one purpose; to make the dream come true.
And to put our passion into action.
JCI The Netherlands presents with great proud.
Your JCI President 2012,
Bertolt Daems
I’m a mother. a sister, a partner and a friend,
I’m not an object on sale or one you can lend, …so
I’m the one listening to your troubles,
I’m the wiping always wiping your tears,
I’m the one who shares your dreams
As well as your fears…so
I give birth, one of life’s greatest joys
I do not give birth to useless toys
So everyone born from me
Is sent from above to live a life that’s free
So many of us have lost our lives
Whether it can be by the gun or with knives
Are sick to the core… AND
Message: “After this years 16 Days of activism against Women and Children abuse, let there be no other case of violence, they are also human beings and they deserve to be loved and taken care of.”
I’m not an object on sale or one you can lend, …so
I’m the one listening to your troubles,
I’m the wiping always wiping your tears,
I’m the one who shares your dreams
As well as your fears…so
I give birth, one of life’s greatest joys
I do not give birth to useless toys
So everyone born from me
Is sent from above to live a life that’s free
So many of us have lost our lives
Whether it can be by the gun or with knives
Are sick to the core… AND
Message: “After this years 16 Days of activism against Women and Children abuse, let there be no other case of violence, they are also human beings and they deserve to be loved and taken care of.”
Thursday, 24 November 2011
excerpt from “latent rapists” by Ntozakhe Shange
these men friends of ours
who smile nice
stay employed
and take us out to dinner
lock the door behind you
wit fist in face
to fuck
who make elaborate mediterranean dinners
& let the art ensemble carry all ethical burdens
while they invite a coupla friends over to have you
are sufferin from latent rapist bravado
& we are left wit the scars
bein betrayed by men who know us
& expect
like the stranger
we always thot waz comin
that we will submit
we must have known
women relinquish all personal rights
in the presence of a man
who apparently cd be considered a rapist
especially if he has been considered a friend
& is no less worthy of bein beat witin an inch of his life
bein publicly ridiculed
havin two fists shoved up his ass
than the stranger
we always thot it wd be
who never showed up
cuz it turns out the nature of rape has changed
we can now meet them in circles we frequent for companionship
we see them at the coffeehouse
wit someone else we know
we cd even have em over for dinner
& get raped in our own houses
by invitation
a friend
who smile nice
stay employed
and take us out to dinner
lock the door behind you
wit fist in face
to fuck
who make elaborate mediterranean dinners
& let the art ensemble carry all ethical burdens
while they invite a coupla friends over to have you
are sufferin from latent rapist bravado
& we are left wit the scars
bein betrayed by men who know us
& expect
like the stranger
we always thot waz comin
that we will submit
we must have known
women relinquish all personal rights
in the presence of a man
who apparently cd be considered a rapist
especially if he has been considered a friend
& is no less worthy of bein beat witin an inch of his life
bein publicly ridiculed
havin two fists shoved up his ass
than the stranger
we always thot it wd be
who never showed up
cuz it turns out the nature of rape has changed
we can now meet them in circles we frequent for companionship
we see them at the coffeehouse
wit someone else we know
we cd even have em over for dinner
& get raped in our own houses
by invitation
a friend
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
‘16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence’
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an international campaign originating from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute sponsored by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991. Participants chose the dates, November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women and December 10, International Human Rights Day, in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights.
This 16-day period also highlights other significant dates including November 29, International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, December 1, World AIDS Day, and December 6, which marks the Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre. The 16 Days Campaign has been used as an organizing strategy by individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of violence against women.
You can participate in the campaign by:
This 16-day period also highlights other significant dates including November 29, International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, December 1, World AIDS Day, and December 6, which marks the Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre. The 16 Days Campaign has been used as an organizing strategy by individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of violence against women.
You can participate in the campaign by:
- Blogging about any issues on gender based violence
- Wear a white ribbon and supply white ribbons to friends and colleagues
- Add the Logo to your website and stationary for the duration of the campaign
- Run workshops and awareness raising events for friends and colleagues, on violence against women
- Volunteer at a shelter, or service organisation, and create space and time for your friends and colleagues to volunteer too.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
You Were Planned
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…"
(Jeremiah 1:5, NIV)
(Jeremiah 1:5, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
What an amazing thought: God knew you before you were even born! He saw your unformed substance and said, "I have a purpose for this life. I have good plans for them!" Then He breathed His life into you and sent you through your mother and father. They may have had issues, but that doesn't have to stop you from becoming all that God intended you to be. You have been handpicked by Almighty God to be here at this time in history!
Sometimes we hear parents say, "We weren't expecting this child. They were a surprise. They were an accident." No, that child may have been a surprise to you, but they weren't a surprise to Almighty God. No child can be born without God breathing His life into them. You may think, "Well, Joel, I was unwanted. I was an unplanned pregnancy." No, you wouldn't be here if God didn't give life to your seed.
In God's eyes, there is no such thing as being illegitimate. Remember, He knew you before you were ever born! Find confidence in His love knowing that you are a person of destiny, and you are part of His mighty plan!
Father, thank You for choosing me before I was ever born. Thank You for knowing me and revealing Yourself to me. I trust that You are working in my life today, even when I can't see it. I stand in faith knowing that You have a mighty plan for me in Jesus' name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
Friday, 4 November 2011
Men and their stupid egos...
So men say they want a woman who can hold a conversation on a variety of subjects what they forget to say is that they dont want a woman who can have a heated argument with them. Why cant we have an intellect argument without our egos getting in the way... Why cant we separate intellectual conversations from the lovey dovey ones??? Just because I challenge your opinions doesnt mean I respect you any less....
Right I can so relate to the way Kate (#TenThingsIHateAboutYou) felt when she wrote this:
Right I can so relate to the way Kate (#TenThingsIHateAboutYou) felt when she wrote this:
I hate the way you talk to me.
And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare I hate your big dumb combat boots.
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick-- it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh -- even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around.
And the fact that you didnt call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you - - not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
A man in a suit or in uniform
Of late I have been attracted to men in suits or uniform... I know they say dont judge a book by its cover but when it comes to this I have decided that this is an exception to the rules... I feel that one says a lot with the way they dress... For me a man in a suit or in uniform says "I am a professional who is in charge and focused..." It also tells me that the man values the people he meets so much that he dresses up for them...
What do you think???
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
The latest addition to the beatitudes...
“Blessed is he who expects nothing,
for he shall never be disappointed.”
for he shall never be disappointed.”
~ Jonathan Swift
I hope I didnt offend anyone with that topic, just that for the past month or so we have been having a series on Beatitudes at church such that when I read the above quote the first word which came to mind was Beatitudes...
As my new month's resolution I have decided to start living by that Beatitude... Here is hoping I will have a very blessed life!!!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Need to learn to finish what I start...
As a lil girl my mum knew never to get excited whenever I started to do chores around the house cause 3 quarters of the time I would hardly finish them... I dont know how I got over that phase, I guess I grew up... Nw I am the most reliable person... I hate household chores but when I do them I do them well and I finish them... Nw the problem is my blog... I have too many unfinished posts...
I need inspiration or a break from my busy life!!!
I need inspiration or a break from my busy life!!!
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Friday, 30 September 2011
No one said twas going to be easy...
So yes the journey has been difficult and many a times I felt like quitting... I found myself questioning my beliefs… Wondering why my Lord had forsaken me… Was tempted to stop believing in the promises, but I am so glad I have stuck it out this far... Coz all in all I know totally believe that we serve a faithful God who is more than true to his word… I know I have not yet reached my destination but I can see the light at the end of the light…
I can already feel the warmth of the sunbeams… This warmth ignites mixed feelings within me… Feelings of regret and happiness… Regret because I realize that I could have learnt more during the trying period had I not spent too much time complaining about my situation… If only I had trusted more in God and enjoyed this season which is about to end fully... But I am still grateful for all I have learnt... Next time I will be more equipped and I will even grow more and become a better person...
Always remember that
I can already feel the warmth of the sunbeams… This warmth ignites mixed feelings within me… Feelings of regret and happiness… Regret because I realize that I could have learnt more during the trying period had I not spent too much time complaining about my situation… If only I had trusted more in God and enjoyed this season which is about to end fully... But I am still grateful for all I have learnt... Next time I will be more equipped and I will even grow more and become a better person...
Always remember that
**We serve a God who is faithful, He will never fail
When we are in the desert, He's a river of hope
We serve a God who is faithful, His faithfulness prevails
We should put all our trust in the Lord.
We serve a God who is faithful & true
We shoul hide in the shelther of His wings
For we find rest in His faithfulness
Yes we serve a faithful God
No matter what this life can bring
Heartache & pain
Through it all turn to Him
And call out His Name**
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Just had to share this!!!
Quote of the Day:
“You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together...but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there.” ~Bob Marley
The Single Woman Says:
This is one of my very favorite quotes, and it never fails to make me smile. Why? Because it meets me right where I’m at, and in the simplest and most beautiful of ways, reminds me that there IS someone out there who will love me just as I am, flaws and all.
As women, we are pulled in a million different directions every single day. We struggle with a million different insecurities every single day. We go to battle with our curling irons and our fussy kids and deadlines and traffic. We wish our hair could be as perfect as the girl who sits in the cubicle next to us, and we gaze down at our chipped nail polish with regret and embarrassment that our bank account is on life support this week and that the mani/pedi we planned to get will have to wait til next week.
We bravely face the day with our best “Single and Fabulous” smile…yet lie awake some nights in the silence of our rooms, wondering if our love will ever arrive. If we’ll ever be the bride and not the bridesmaid. If we’ll ever get to walk down the aisle to the man of our dreams…or if Happily Ever After is as impossible as it seems.
We are FAR from perfect…but we hope that someday, someone will fall in love with our imperfections…messy house, empty refrigerator, unbalanced checkbook and all.
Fellas – Remember next time you see that flustered girl on the subway who realized three stops too late that she’s on the wrong train, or the overwhelmed girl at the auto repair shop who doesn’t know spark plugs from brake pads, or the seemingly confident girl giving a presentation to a roomful of high-powered execs while desperately trying to conceal her shaking hands…
Underneath it all is a woman who dreams of falling in love.
And try to look past the chipped nail polish and the bad hair day and the shaky hands to the beautiful heart.
Because at the end of the day, I’m just a girl that loves herself too much to be standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her…but I hope he will, anyway.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
September Equinox
Well I know we celebrated spring day on the 1st of september... But I will still looking forward to today because according to my geography teacher spring theoratically begins on this day. Besides today being the first day of spring according to my Geo teacher there is something extra special about it... Wait for it, there are supposed to be 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness...Plus if you stay close to the equator the sun was supposed to have risen at 6 and then it will set at 6... Although I live far from the equator (close to the tropic of capricon) I was up just before 6, was waiting for the sun to rise so that I could start counting the number of hours we are going to have.. I felt like a little Einstein standing on my balcony, stop watch and notepad ... Guess what the sky was overcast *sad face*... I said a little prayer asking the Lord to clear the sky... Waited hoping the Lord would instantly answer my prayers... After 15 minutes I decided to get ready for work... At every chance I got I was looking out the window hoping that the clouds had cleared... Bt still the sky was overcast... Now as I am sitting at my desk I cn see that the sky is beginning to clear slowly...
Even though things ddnt turn up as planned... I am still going to enjoy today fully... To add to that I am going to paint jozi red with my girls (we have the opportunity to play catch up with a friend we last saw almost a decade ago)...
Enjoy the new season!!!
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
5 months on and I still cant believe you are gone....
You left without saying goodbye...
Left before we had we had done all we had said we would...
Left me with just memories...
You even took our son with :-(
It still hurts a lot, deleted your number coz I am always tempted to call...
Somehow I am still in denial...
I still hope someone will wake me from this terrible dream...
I know it has been over 5 months but I am still to come to terms with your sudden departure...
The Lord took you away when I still needed you, we still had so much to do...
Will always miss you... your memory lives on!!!
Why do we respect the people we respect??? Have they done anything to earn our respect??? Do we respect them just because we hv to??? Is that respect...
On the other hand why do we disrespect others??? Hv they done anything to lose our respect??? Do we disrespect them be because their poor, uneducated or they r in a social class below us???
I like this Bhudda quote "You should respect each other and refrain from disputes; you should not, like water and oil, repel each other, but should, like milk and water, mingle together.”"
One Thing I Don’t Need/Sorry » poem by Ntozake Shange
one thing i don’t need
is any more apologies
i got sorry greetin me at my front door
you can keep yrs
i don’t know what to do wit em
they dont open doors
or bring the sun back
they dont make me happy
or get a mornin paper
didnt nobody stop usin my tears to wash cars
cuz a sorry
is any more apologies
i got sorry greetin me at my front door
you can keep yrs
i don’t know what to do wit em
they dont open doors
or bring the sun back
they dont make me happy
or get a mornin paper
didnt nobody stop usin my tears to wash cars
cuz a sorry
i am simply tired
of collectin
i didnt know
i was so important toyou
i’m gonna haveta throw some away
i cant get to the clothes in my closet
for alla the sorries
i’m gonna tack a sign to my door
leave a message by the phone
‘if you called
to say yr sorry
call somebody
i dont use em anymore’
i let sorry/ didnt meanta/ & how could i know about that
take a walk down a dark & musty street in brooklyn
i’m gonna do exactly what i want to
& i wont be sorry for none of it
letta sorry soothe yr soul/ i’m gonna soothe mine
of collectin
i didnt know
i was so important toyou
i’m gonna haveta throw some away
i cant get to the clothes in my closet
for alla the sorries
i’m gonna tack a sign to my door
leave a message by the phone
‘if you called
to say yr sorry
call somebody
i dont use em anymore’
i let sorry/ didnt meanta/ & how could i know about that
take a walk down a dark & musty street in brooklyn
i’m gonna do exactly what i want to
& i wont be sorry for none of it
letta sorry soothe yr soul/ i’m gonna soothe mine
you were always inconsistent
doin somethin & then bein sorry
beatin my heart to death
talkin bout you sorry
i will not call
i’m not goin to be nice
i will raise my voice
& scream & holler
& break things & race the engine
& tell all yr secrets bout yrself to yr face
& i will list in detail everyone of my wonderful lovers
& their ways
i will play oliver lake
& i wont be sorry for none of it
doin somethin & then bein sorry
beatin my heart to death
talkin bout you sorry
i will not call
i’m not goin to be nice
i will raise my voice
& scream & holler
& break things & race the engine
& tell all yr secrets bout yrself to yr face
& i will list in detail everyone of my wonderful lovers
& their ways
i will play oliver lake
& i wont be sorry for none of it
i loved you on purpose
i was open on purpose
i still crave vulnerability & close talk
& i’m not even sorry bout you bein sorry
you can carry all the guilt & grime ya wanna
just dont give it to me
i cant use another sorry
next time
you should admit
you’re mean/ low-down/ triflin/ & no count straight out
steada bein sorry alla the time
enjoy bein yrself
i was open on purpose
i still crave vulnerability & close talk
& i’m not even sorry bout you bein sorry
you can carry all the guilt & grime ya wanna
just dont give it to me
i cant use another sorry
next time
you should admit
you’re mean/ low-down/ triflin/ & no count straight out
steada bein sorry alla the time
enjoy bein yrself
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Somebody almost walked away wid alla my stuff
Finally watched For coloured girls.... Totally inspiring, t had me in tears... Go out and buy/rent it if you hv not watched it... Below is one of the poems by Ntozakhe Shange which is featured in the film....
Expected me to sit there, smile sweetly, and just GIVE them alla my stuff
Figured since they'd done it time and again, it would be as easy as pie
Ha! Little did they know they had another thing comin'
Somebody tried to walk away with alla my stuff
But THIS time, I chased them down that street and beat them on the head
Latched my non-existent claws into their shoulders and hang on for dear life
Balled my fists into sledgehammers and hammer away I did
For the first time, second, and oh for thinkn' there would be a third
Somebody tried to walk away with alla my stuff
And now I'm sittin' on the floor of this jail, with nothin' else BUT my stuff
My memories, my fears, my hopes, my dreams, my shoulda-coulda-wouldas, ALL of it
My notions, my judgments, my naivety, my experience, my love, my hate, my sorrow, my joy
And for the first time ever, my cruel, undeniable, in-your-face truth
Somebody tried to walk away with alla my stuff
And now they a-nursin' in the clinic while I have the last laugh
Never did I know I could swing such a punch until they freakin' tried to take all my shit!
And yes, I'll probably lose it all before the darn trial is over
But damn, it never felt so good to whop an ass for tryna walk away with alla my stuff!
Monday, 12 September 2011
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
And the birthday award goes to
Vee Gura... I know Vee is the one who is supposed to say the thank you speech but I will have to say this one for her... I know she will forgive me but if she doesnt I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her...
Where to start??? Well I have known Vee for more than 18 years, dont remember how we met *covers face*... One of my earliest memories of the two of us in action is of a time when we were the only 2 pple in our age group who cud speak english fluently... We used to say big words which meant nothing and pretend they were the nastiest things one could say to someone (esp an enemy)... Soon everyone caught on...
After that phase came the times when I always wanted to be on the same side with Vee coz she was a great athlete and almost all the games we played were desinged for someone with great athletic skills...

Vee do you remember the raka raka days??? Or the songs we used to sing when we skipped #ChristopherColumbus... How about the hop scotch song "Chikoko kusvotesa vasina..."? How I wish we cud go back to those days even if it will just be for an hour...
Let us fast forwad to the phase when we were separated *sad face*... I blame this on my parents who were nomads and are still are to some extent... I didn't even get a chance to say good bye... For a numbers of years I prayed for our paths to cross... Finally our cyber paths crossed thanks to Facebook... In no time we in tune again, twas as if we were never separated... I only wish for one thing now that we do spend some time in person, so we get to experience stuff at the same time... Finally I get to the birthday wishes, thank you for being patient with me... For some unknown reason I dont remember ever making you paper cards or anything along those lines... Was I such a bad friend??? I do remember always posting a msg on your fb wall ever since we got reconnected... This year I will raise a yucky fruit smoothie in your honour... When you do come to visit we will have proper pink drinks... I promise... I know you have been hving a "mid life" crisis at 23.99, stop stressing hun... There is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3)... Your time to shine is around the corner...
I pray God makes all your dreams come true!!! May you have an awesome day my friend... Always know that you have a friend in me even though we are miles apart!!!
Monday, 5 September 2011
Love like a child
5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Of late I have been keeping records of wrongs... I so want to go back to loving like a child, you know when you are naive and innocent... When you easily trust and easily forgive... When you forget easily and you are always smiling even after someone has hurt... When you have an uninhibited true love that cant be disguised by expressions... When you have no hidden motives just open honesty...
So I am looking for that child that still resides within my heart. It's said that PERFECT LOVE CASTS FEAR OUTSIDE, so I will be complete in love like God above, who cares for you and me!!!
Lies we tell...
According to Gregory House everybody lies...
But do we ever take a moment or two to think of the consequences of our lies... That lie we say in order to get out of a date or awkard moment...
A week ago someone close to me was lied to... Her father called her to tell her that he had just been admitted to the hospital because he had suffered a minor stroke... She started crying and was depressed for the remainder of the day... The father finally showed up later that evening totally drunk... She later discovered that her father had been spotted in some city having beers with his friends... Apparently he had lied because he was trying to avoid a family meeting... Was avoiding a family meeting worth putting his daughter thru all that pain???
But do we ever take a moment or two to think of the consequences of our lies... That lie we say in order to get out of a date or awkard moment...
A week ago someone close to me was lied to... Her father called her to tell her that he had just been admitted to the hospital because he had suffered a minor stroke... She started crying and was depressed for the remainder of the day... The father finally showed up later that evening totally drunk... She later discovered that her father had been spotted in some city having beers with his friends... Apparently he had lied because he was trying to avoid a family meeting... Was avoiding a family meeting worth putting his daughter thru all that pain???
Reincarnation of MR BIG!!!
A few months ago,I said goodbye to my Mr Big... After a year of an on and off relationship which was going nowhere, because Mr Big wasn't really available .. I finally put an end to the relationship which had ended years ago but I had been in denial... Mr Big had somehow turned into an imaginary boyfriend and was stopping me from getting into meaningful relationships which were real...
Finally I felt ready for a relationship, so I decided to wear my dating shoes which I had somehow hanged while "dating" Mr Big... But somehow I feel like the person I chose has too many Mr Big tendencies... Is it that Mr Big's spirit is chasing after me and has somehow reincarnated itself in this new guy??? Or maybe I am just overanalysing things...
Friday, 2 September 2011
Grew up in a part of the world where they only had two seasons, that is the hot season and the rainy season... So when I moved here and I found out that they experience all 4 seasons I was so excited!!! For the first time autumn and spring would not be things of my imagination based on all the books I have read and movies I have watched... I am still big on spring such that I wore a bright yellow dress on spring day...
Spring to me symbolises the end of a gloomy dark and sad season (winter)... Everything comes to life in spring, the grass, the flowers and the trees... On a "personal" note, spring is a time I get to rewrite my goals, I get a chance to make new beginnings... Get over that person who broke my heart or maybe start a new relationship... This spring aint any different... I am going to grow in many areas this spring and hopefully that will come with new meaningful relationships... Unfortunately I ddnt get to lose all the excess weight before this beautiful season started, but I promise 2012 will see me with no excess weight...
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Consoling people #ThingsISuckAt
I suck at consoling people, I really need a crash course in this area... Someone help!!! I am open to any ideas...
Dont know if one of the reasons I suck at this is because I deal with giref and heartache in my own way... At times t works at times t doesnt, but still my system somehw works for me...
I am always praying for those close to me not to go thru heartaches nor for them to lose those close to them... Cause I never know wat to say without sounding cliche... I can cry with you or listen to u but I never see to have the write ways... At times google helps (that is if we are miles apart), but wen I really need to use my own brain, my brain usually fails me... Hopefully one day I will get better at consoling...
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Friday, 19 August 2011
Poor planning!!!
I dont know if all of you have heard about the Shake The world (STW)campain... well if you have not let me give you a bit of background information on it...Well the STW campaign was set up to raise awareness on the MDGs (Millenieum Development Goals), and most of all, to show a worldwide audience what they can do themselves to contribute to the MDGs. Shake the World is about creating energy and a positive vibe around the goals. It represents the human face of the MDGs. Shake the World is not about being on track, or about winning or loosing. Instead, Shake The World is about collaboration, spreading positive stories and ending poverty together. (source: )
Now that we are on the same page I can tell you my story... My friends and I want to shake the world, we are always looking for ways to create positive change in communities... So the first step in shaking the world is wearing the bracelet... So after reading about how Edgars had partnered with rainbow collection in the STW campaign we decided to go to Edgars to purchase our bracelets (They sell for R20 go and get ur self one!!!)
Vee and I walk into edgars. I hate shopping so whenever I get into a shop I just ask for what I am looking for, I dont like the idea of hving to look for. So I smile at the first person I see wearing an Edgars badge, and I ask her bout the MDG bracelets but she looks at me all confused... She sends me to the Jewellery section, when i get there I am sent to the custom jewellery section... after being tossed around for about 20 minutes I decide to go to the customer service counter... The lady behind the desk tells me she doesnt know wat I am talking bout, as I am thinking of my next step I see a reflection of a tv flighting the STW campaign advert... I scream at the nearest edgars worker trying to get her to look at the advert but by the I get her attention they are already showing the blackberry advert... so we keep staring at the TV waiting for the advert to come up again... When t eventually comes the lady tells us she does not know anything bout the campaign...She looks through this month's Edgars magazine and there isnt anything bout the campaign... Feeling very defeated we start to find our way out of the shop and then I spot the STW poster, just as I am bout to throw a fit I then see a box full of the bracelets... I am so overjoyed, then I tell the till operator that I hv been searching for these everywhere... she goes like if twasnt for the morning live episode she watched she wudnt hv had a clue what the bracelets where for, but then she still did not know the full story... As someone who has a passion for education I took sometime to educate them bout the MDGs...
But i was so appalled by the way EDGARS handled the campaign... went they supposed to educate their staff before reaching out to the rest of the population??? How can someone promote something they do not know about??? What happened to living my the proverb CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME???? I still want to take this up with someone in management at EDGARS... for now I am happy I wearing my bracelet #MDG2
Trying not to lose hope but t has been more than 4 days... You left all the important things on your desk (ID, passport, wallet and phone), how do we trace you??? how are you surviving??? What is going thru ur mind??? What did u mean by harrassment??? Why leave an abstract note??? Why didnt you explain the situation fully so that finding you wud be easy... I am still hoping all this is just a joke which has gone too far...
Posters with your face are everywhere, hv u seen them??? Where are you???
Thursday, 18 August 2011
When love hurts
That phrase keeps playing in my mind as I am trying to fight the tears... Why does it seem like I always fall for men who are difficult to love??? is it because my dad is a difficult man??? Shudnt the fact that my dad is difficult stir me towards the xtra loving men??? Or maybe tis because I am too fragile thus I bruise easily... How do I toughen up??? I tell myself nxt time I will stay away from him but then I find myself longing for his company... Somehow in that time of need I forgot bout all his flaws... Is this wat they call unconditional love???
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Unlikely help!!! Ubuntu still exists...
Monday 20 june, started off as a normal day, woke up at 4:30am. Was trying to multi-task at the same time I was running late. My phone rang which was my q to leave the house. As I was leaving my bedroom I peeped into my handbag making sure everything I needed was there. At the same time I was making mental notes for the event I was planning.
The drive to joburg was painless, I was busy updating my friend(who had me sacrificisng my sleep coz she needed company) bout the upcoming event I was planning. My friend dropped me off at the bus stop. I confidently hopped on to the taxi, feeling more beautiful than ever... The problem only came when I had to pay for the taxi ride... I searched everywhere for my wallet even in the most unlikely places... When I was finally convinced that I ddnt hv my wallet, I fumbled thru my bag, counting my loose change hoping t cud amount to R5... Confusion struck, ddnt knw wat to tell the taxi driver... As you might knw, taxi drivers can be very rude and arrogant... While I was trying to come up with a plan, the taxi driver bellowed something in his language which I translated into "Pay up young lady"... I recounted my loose change hoping that by some miracle I nw had R5... At a loss of words and a plan, I heard a soft voice asking me how much I needed... I cudnt believe my ears, I wanted to tell her that I wud pay her back but then I realised that t was highly unlikely (So I made a mental note that I will pay it forward (help the next person))... I softly told the lady that I was R1 short... After I had paid, the taxi driver had a field day with me, luckily I my stop wasnt that far away... When I alighted the taxi I cud feel tears rushing into my eyes.... For a moment I toyed with the idea of letting the tears stream down my face but then something hit me... At that moment I told myself to count it all pure joy, especially since my belief in Ubuntu had been restored... I told the devil that he was a liar and that all my plans wud go accordingly!!!
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Cynthia Fungai Manjoro
“I have seen a wicked man in great power and spreading himself like a green tree in its native soil. Yet he passed away, and behold, he was not; yes, I sought and inquired for him, but he could not be found.“ Psalm 37:35,36.
We serve a faithful God my dear, our prayers will not go unanswered. It pains me to knw that you are being treated unfairly and there is nothing I can do to help but pray. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I will be praying for you till they release you.
We pray for peace in Zimbabwe, we pray for an end to arbitrary arrest, and we pray for non politicization of the security forces. We pray for professionalism from the security and judiciary services.
Cynnie my dearest, God will certainly intervene...
We serve a faithful God my dear, our prayers will not go unanswered. It pains me to knw that you are being treated unfairly and there is nothing I can do to help but pray. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I will be praying for you till they release you.
We pray for peace in Zimbabwe, we pray for an end to arbitrary arrest, and we pray for non politicization of the security forces. We pray for professionalism from the security and judiciary services.
Cynnie my dearest, God will certainly intervene...
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