Vee Gura... I know Vee is the one who is supposed to say the thank you speech but I will have to say this one for her... I know she will forgive me but if she doesnt I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her...
Where to start??? Well I have known Vee for more than 18 years, dont remember how we met *covers face*... One of my earliest memories of the two of us in action is of a time when we were the only 2 pple in our age group who cud speak english fluently... We used to say big words which meant nothing and pretend they were the nastiest things one could say to someone (esp an enemy)... Soon everyone caught on...
After that phase came the times when I always wanted to be on the same side with Vee coz she was a great athlete and almost all the games we played were desinged for someone with great athletic skills...

Vee do you remember the raka raka days??? Or the songs we used to sing when we skipped #ChristopherColumbus... How about the hop scotch song "Chikoko kusvotesa vasina..."? How I wish we cud go back to those days even if it will just be for an hour...
Let us fast forwad to the phase when we were separated *sad face*... I blame this on my parents who were nomads and are still are to some extent... I didn't even get a chance to say good bye... For a numbers of years I prayed for our paths to cross... Finally our cyber paths crossed thanks to Facebook... In no time we in tune again, twas as if we were never separated... I only wish for one thing now that we do spend some time in person, so we get to experience stuff at the same time... Finally I get to the birthday wishes, thank you for being patient with me... For some unknown reason I dont remember ever making you paper cards or anything along those lines... Was I such a bad friend??? I do remember always posting a msg on your fb wall ever since we got reconnected... This year I will raise a yucky fruit smoothie in your honour... When you do come to visit we will have proper pink drinks... I promise... I know you have been hving a "mid life" crisis at 23.99, stop stressing hun... There is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3)... Your time to shine is around the corner...
I pray God makes all your dreams come true!!! May you have an awesome day my friend... Always know that you have a friend in me even though we are miles apart!!!
Phathie, this is so beautiful, thank you.i love you to bits! wandichemedza!
ReplyDeleteDdnt mean to make you cry... I love you lots my friend!!!