Earth Hour

Friday 2 September 2011


Grew up in a part of the world where they only had two seasons, that is the hot season and the rainy season... So when I moved here and I found out that they experience all 4 seasons I was so excited!!! For the first time autumn and spring would not be things of my imagination based on all the books I have read and movies I have watched... I am still big on spring such that I wore a bright yellow dress on spring day...

Spring to me symbolises the end of a gloomy dark and sad season (winter)... Everything comes to life in spring, the grass, the flowers and the trees... On a "personal" note, spring is a time I get to rewrite my goals, I get a chance to make new beginnings... Get over that person who broke my heart or maybe start a new relationship... This spring aint any different... I am going to grow in many areas this spring and hopefully that will come with new meaningful relationships... Unfortunately I ddnt get to lose all the excess weight before this beautiful season started, but I promise 2012 will see me with no excess weight...


  1. I love spring too.
    Love your self and then others will love you.

  2. True that Lisa. Thank you.
